Tips For Hopelessly Single Women

Most successful women tend to be unsuccessful in love. Several days of adult dating, but none culminating into a beautiful relationship. Are you going through this travesty? I know your state. A friend of mine went through the same issue. How did she get through it? A little bit of research and a lot of determination, is the answer. Follow these simple tips for hopelessly single women.

  • R&D: Before you go out on your date, research. Speak to your guy friends for an opinion about your “vibe”. If it is negative in any way, work on it.
  • Do not flash your credentials on the first date: Many women start discussing their college (academically) and their high post in their office. What they forget is that, in case, the man is not as successful as you, he may end up getting intimidated. Do you really think he will call you back then? So, don’t treat your date like an interview, ease up on the jargon.
  • Easy: You may be a very successful woman, and you may well deserve it as well. Nonetheless, you need to know that a man might not be able to accept it right away. However, if he is already interested in you, your career would be of interest to him as well. So ease him into that information. Let him see the non-career side of you first and then, the fact that you hold a high post at work.
  • Mr. Right (Now): Many women end up avoiding dates, simply because they think that the guy asking them out is not Mr. Right. My question is, how would you know whether he is or not, until you give him a chance. May be this guy who is asking you out, really likes you for who you are. Don’t you think he deserves a chance, at least?
  • Let’s Talk: I am sure you are a very interesting person, besides your career. But, how will he know that? Show him the side of you that he would not see at your office. Don’t dress in your office apparel. Let your hair down on the date. Most importantly, don’t take office calls when on a date. Trust me, men hate it, all men! They require attention from their lady, so give them that, in the start at least. So don’t be the “office Betty” on your date. Be the “Jenny from the block”, most effectively, his block!
  • Him, not you: Men love being the ones to get all the attention. No matter how liberal the man may be, he still needs to be the one talking more. On the first date at least. More so, you need to avoid talking about your office, right? So, let him talk more. Be receptive and show genuine interest. I know, we women think that men don’t know the difference, but we are wrong. At some level, they do. So be genuine and give your opinion from time to time. Staying completely mum might make him think you are a snoot, or that you are trying throw attitude at him.
  • Nightcap: This last point is assuming that the date went well, and that it is time for “your place or mine”. If, at any point of time in the date, you realize that his house is not as big as yours, don’t ask him to your place. You rather go to his. This way, your “big house” won’t turn him down, and nor will it make you feel that he is dating you because you are better off than he is (this thought comes to a successful woman’s mind, often).

At the end of the day, you need to know that an interested guy will like for who you are and not what you do. Often, in attempt to impress, women intimidate. Be careful of that. Just be yourself, that is the best you can be, and let him see that and love it. This is where I sign off! All the best,


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