Recognize a Gold Digger

All of us wouldn’t mind dating a classy woman with good manners and elegant style. But it might worth you couple thousand and even tens of thousands of dollars. Still interested?
There is a certain type of women called gold diggers. They enjoy their life at men’s cost. As a rule, these women are very attractive and charismatic; they are familiar with human psychology and with psychology of men in particular. Gold diggers always know what to give a certain man in order to make him do whatever she needs.

A gold digger behaves like a real lady, even though she might originally come from a small town somewhere in Minnesota. That’s doesn’t really matter as she did a lot of efforts and trainings in order to look elegant, good mannered and chic: starting with eating habits and finishing with the way she walks and moves- everything is directed to show you that she is an “expensive” woman who needs an expensive treatment.

If you don’t want to get hosed by one of these women, read our advices how to recognize a gold digger.
Gold digger always looks very attractive no matter what: nice clothes, neat hair style, fresh manicure, high-heels. Even when turned up at the mall, she looks 100 percent ideally. Even though her clothes might not be really expensive, gold digger manages to wear it with great taste what makes her look expensive by skillful clothes combination and adding certain accessories. In other words, she can position herself as a high-class woman. Her behavior and her speech are very thought-out, she would never do things for no reason; every word and every move has a far-reaching plan.

Gold diggers live a light life. They do not worry about every day routine; all their life consists of is partying, shopping, hanging out etc. Shopping is probably a number one priority for them. If buying new shoes is something she is totally obsessed about, she is probably a gold digger.
One more sign of your girlfriend being a gold digger: she knows everything about life of rich people and she always talks about them. Gold diggers are just obsessed with expensive restaurants, luxurious resorts, deluxe brands and expensive cars even though they might even not to have a chance to plunge into this life themselves. Moreover, gold diggers tend to look down on people who don’t earn a lot of money and consider them to be losers.
Look at your girlfriend’s friends, usually gold diggers prefer to move in rich people’s cycle, at a pinch they hang out with the same money grabbers as they are. Don’t be fooled by her speeches about being different. That’s probably one more trick to crook you.

If while talking about her previous relationships, your girlfriend mentionsdating only with guys that had a high level income, watch out. Probably this woman wouldn’t want to date a man who makes less than six figures a year. If you feel like you are becoming more of an ATM machine rather than a beloved man, you would rather break up and find someone who would love you for you.
As a rule, women of this kind don’t strive to work on high-paid positions and don’t have any longstanding career-oriented plans at all. They are commonly working on the positions of assistants, receptionists and hostesses at expensive restaurants. There is a category of gold diggers that do not work at all and make their living just at account of men.

And the most significant sign of your girlfriend being a gold digger: your girlfriend has a tendency to get into crisis or need situations that require money pretty often, and the only person she can get this money from is you. Of course, people have to help to those in needs, but not in case if it becomes a norm.

These are the most common signs of your girlfriend being a gold digger. If you notice them in your girlfriend, think twice what she loves more about you- your money or you as a person.

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